Trying to register after moving address
Not only do they want passport, they also want utility bills "to prove you live at that address", for fucks sake the patient has only just fucking moved in how the fuck are they supposed to have utility bills
They will be wanting me to prove I'm not Jewish and that I'm of pure blood soon, DONT THEY FUCKING UNDERSTAND HOW SHIT THIS SERVICE IS
A day off work to let them see a utility bill? Give me fucking strength
Useless tossers
No choice and shit service - that's the NHS in 2008
Where exactly in the NHS rules does it allow them to demand utility bills before registering or seeing a patient? Oh sorry I forget they make the rules up as they go along
Friday, 20 June 2008
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think you'll find that this is a policy thought up by your revered labour goverment!
Well, at least runtletts are consistent. It is always someone else's fault. GP's are contractors. They can do what they like and do. They follow the rules they want and ignore the others.
sadly cannot do as they would like otherwise I wouldn't be bored enough to sit here replying to your antirant rantings.
Actually you'll find that the Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) are demanding this. We cannot change a lady's surname now without marriage certificate etc. What reall adds insult to injury for us (GPs) is that in many areas PCTs have stopped issuing new medical cards to patients when they change address, name, move GP etc. They have done this to reduce their own workload - but it means that patients end up with out of date medical cards with incorrect info on it. When they then try to register with a neew GP the PCT says the info on the card is incorrect and ask us to get it from patient. This can be very time consuming - for example trying to find the name AND address of their previous GP. In the meantime we are expected to treat the patient but do not get paid until the PCT get all the info.
NotRant - can't help but noticing that you have a bit of an issue with GPs! Do you want to talk about it?
"NotRant - can't help but noticing that you have a bit of an issue with GPs! Do you want to talk about it?"
If you are referring to anon above, then think i've not made my views clear. Am bored GP, bored by NuLabour policy changes with no evidence or rationale other than change for change sake backing them up. CHANGE COSTS MONEY!
Perhaps you're right 30 mins lying on a couch with a shrink may prevent me from developing an intractible case of Rantalitis
remaining an unreformed 1950's style GP cost LIVES. But does that bother the majority of GP's? NO! No one doesn't have the problem, GP's do. Typical tactic of people/organisations who don't have a justifiable argument for the actions and behaviors they take/display, question the person who has the concern.
runt displays all the characteristics of a person in denial. Recent post "50 ways to kill a GP". Actually the issue is that there are many more ways than that used daily by he and his colleagues to kill patients, waiting lists, reduced hours, crap access, lack of knowledge of up-to-date medical techniques, the list goes on.
It is a typical tactic displayed by criminals; become the victim.
runt has once again decided to label and censor when faced with criticism, so I thought that I would post the directions to my local here for br who has kindly called me out for a fight.
Once again: post code for my local is ZE2 9SB, happy to meet at high noon tomorrow. I will be wearing a poncho with a boiler plate underneath.
Many thanks for the invitation, I always enjoy meeting small minded, small dicked individuals for one sided discussions in pub car parks. You might want to pop the post code into your tom tom, it is a long way.
so much anger!
you may be asked to leave the BB house!
anon if someone, for purely selfish reasons, was blocking services that you needed to live. I suspect you might be a little angry, or maybe not. It could be you are too thick to know it is happening.
ha ha ha NHS Scotland is awesome, I moved house recently went into the GP to change my address and the receptionist did it on their computer right there and then.
Sucks to be you NIKU.
And yet niku claims to live on the Shetland Isles (or at least where he said his local pub was), which, I assume, would be under Scottish government...
nu labour will lose the next election
then youll get the health service you deserve you stupid cunts
a private one
competition in the health service is coming? Shit doctors will be shot in the head? Wow! I will have to stop being so negative.
Student doctor, based on runt's statistics you will most likely kill yourself in August, so make hay while the sun shines!
can't say i will miss you, one less quack in the system.............
niku my dear child
i resent the day i pushed you out into a toilet bowl full of excrement
i fear you absorbed a lung full and the blood rush to your pea size brain cemented your pyschological flaws for a lifetime
would that i had flushed
you must be in the NHS, as you are so familiar with placing people in shit and blood without attempting to clean it up.
Third world system, third rate staff..................
Interesting according to NHS24 there are 10 GP practices across the Shetlands so I wouldn't of thought getting a GP would be an issue.
i think most have been killed by their patients. Runt has uncovered the fact most patients would like to kill their GP. Wouldn't have anything to do with the way they get treated like shit would it?
NIKU, why don't you stop being so abusive.
You obviously have a point to make, so instead of producing offensive vitriol perhaps it might be better if you outlined your complaints, with any suggestions at rectifying them, in a clear and concise manner.
Throwing abuse at doctors, who (mostly) really care about their patients and strive to give them the best care possible, despite being let down by the government, achieves nothing. If as i understand you dont work in the NHS how can you point the finger of blame at its doctors when you dont know the many layers of beurocracy pushing down on them from above?
bureaucracy**, even.
anon - I have put plenty of suggestions on both this and the runt site. With the usual greeting of the runts of nulabor cunt shit bastard, its a long list.
I would imagine you are a member of the runt community. All they do is blame the crap health system on the same folks you did, the government. Well I will let you into a little secret, I have worked with doctors for 20 years on both sides of the Atlantic. On the whole, they tend to get on with their jobs, are extremely risk adverse, understandably as that is how med schools pick them. A percentage are power hungry zealots who want to block change at all costs, and that includes patient lives. Unfortunately, those are more than often, runt is a fine example, the most vocal because the other common doctor trait is that they won't put their head above a parapet, they have to be pushed over the top.
So what do we have? A small part of the UK medical establishment dictating care, relations with government.
I am tired of hearing the bureaucrats excuse. It's like saying to a judge that the car ran over the person, I was just driving it, let me off. Doctors control their environments. I have never been to a GP's surgery and seen a man from the ministry saying, "you can't stay open later", "make it really hard to change doctor". And yet it is a wonderful excuse for the profession. The majority of people hate government interference resonate with the excuse and ask no further questions. GP's are private contractors. You have the ability to make changes in your world but you don't.
Simple solutions?
1. Take away the right to own patients make the bastards compete for patients
2. Measure, measure, measure, GP's receive public funds, lots of them now, and must be accountable. Fire the ones who are taking the piss
3. Allow GP's to sell their practices including "blue sky".
4. There should be an automatic statement placed in any news source every time GP's say the health service is being privatised. "GP's ARE the private sector for fuck sake!"
There is a starter for 10. You won't like any of them because you potentially lose power and money, but from a patients standpoint it would be wonderful.
So when the runts of this world admit they have a problem and stop calling the whole world bastards if they don't agree with their version of, leave us alone , don't make us accountable, you should be grateful we even get out of bed to see you underlings stance, and change their 1950's style practice of medicine, then I might have something nice to say.
Until then, they are self-centered little shits who could care less about their patients, demonstrate it everyday. Other than that I think they are fine upstanding human beings.
So, other than "the politician made me do it!" What do you suggest anon, from a patient perspective for a change, to do about our third world system?
This is a report I originally submitted from within runtland. Since the rugabe supports would soon appear wheeling sticks and guns, I have retreated to the no one democracy to post the report again as I would imagine the supreme leader rugabe will delete is as it does not agree with his governments position. You should read the latest rugabe post. It is fucking wondeful, they got a doc in government who does not agree with rugabe and his followers and now they are attempting to culb him to death. I guess they should think before they ask for something!!!!!! IDIOTS!!!!!
Here is my post from rugabe land:
I will say that I too listened to the radio show with Lord Darzi. He has accomplished more than the entire Rugabe clan cobbled together. You have SCREAMED, PUT DOCTORS IN CHARGE, you didn't ask for FUCKING ELECTIONS.
So now you have a doctor in charge and what happens? You put the boot in! Fucking predictable you freaks! He wants you to change.
I will now wait for the Rugabe stick wielders to hurl abuse and the sick little man himself to delete my post. Enjoy your rally, won't last much longer, would appear Darzi is sending in the UN.
If you think about it, the comparison between Darzi and Rugabe is incredibly similar.
Darzi - World renowned Irish trained surgeon. Clearly outlines his thoughts publicly, is disappointed in the members of his profession who won't reform. Has published widely on the issue, highly regarded by colleagues. Inventor of new and innovative medical devices, returns much to both his profession and society without even a hint of an expletive.
Rugabe - Pea brained autocratic leader of a bunch of unreformed stick wielding imbeciles who hide behind anonymity calling names, make racial slurs, and who generally could care less about advancing their profession. Much more concerned with what's in it for them. Have raped and pillaged the healthcare landscape hiding behind a well developed spin machine portraying he and his gang as the benevolent protectors of the NHS. Berates, calls names, goads from behind the facade of anonymity given he is a spineless little shit.
Actually now that I look at it, not much in common with Darzi.
niku said...
i think most have been killed by their patients. Runt has uncovered the fact most patients would like to kill their GP. Wouldn't have anything to do with the way they get treated like shit would it?
Ummmmm I suggest you are bending the facts to your own convenience here - in fact Rant suggested that maybe each doctor has around 50 patients who may want to kill him/her by no means "most" as you state in your post - the average GP in the UK has between 2000 and 3000 patients registered with them (note I said average - this is not an unassailable fact) - 50 is not most, and considering the fact that the GP sees patients with all varieties of mental health, 50 seems to me to be a reasonable number.
How many people you interract with on a daily basis in your job want to kill you I wonder?
In Rugabe's case I think 50 would indeed be most, since he spends the majority of his time deleting posts on his blog.
However, that is a great question! I will retain and American quack to do a survey as soon as possible.
actually NIKU i'm a medical student and not an avid follower of Dr Rant, i just browse through there from time to time and saw some of your posts. plus I would describe myself as neither risk adverse or power hungry zealot, but more people centred and caring if you can actually believe that.
Doctors that blog, on the whole, i think do so to let off steam about a system that is not an easy one to work in. The NHS is increasingly being managed with top down directives by people that dont use the service - the politicians. so using offensive and childish language probably helps the desteaming process.
Anyway perhaps by getting the people that use the service; doctors, nurses... AND patients and giving them a say in the matter might begin to make a difference. If you look to scotland and wales you see less top down directives and consequently a more effective and better service.
I have been on placements with alot of GPs, which the vast majority i have found to be hard working and caring, you get the occasional old codger of course but even they still give incredibly thorough and professional care. GPs experience a lot of pressure from the government, and they deal with it extremely well. The cost cutting in recent years has forced alot of the burden of the NHS to be shifted to GPs with no extra funds to meet cost.
But anyway your suggestions. Obviously i dont as yet work in the NHS so my comments are pretty much from the position as patient as well.
1. Take away the right to own patients make the bastards compete for patients
I didnt think GPs owned patients anyway? you have the right to a GP, yes, but the GP has no right to you.
2. Measure, measure, measure, GP's receive public funds, lots of them now, and must be accountable. Fire the ones who are taking the piss
Most GPs are incredibly efficient at spending public money, i think you might want to look at hospitals if you want to see where your moneys all going.
3. Allow GP's to sell their practices including "blue sky".
I thought GPs could sell their practices? i thought they generally sold them to other GPs when they retired?
4. There should be an automatic statement placed in any news source every time GP's say the health service is being privatised. "GP's ARE the private sector for fuck sake!"
Yet they are payed by the public sector?
Yeah, they're after our blood alright...not to help other poor hapless casualties of the NHS, but for our DNA so that they can chip us and monitor our every move.
[Anon because I don't want people using my blog instead of their own to get off on attacking innocent posters who mostly engage logically even with positions they disagree with. Do the work! Get your own blog, like the rest of us, if you want to sound off. Don't ad hominem other people - especially when you're a guest.]
question of the week. single best answer
is nike a
1. victim of sexual abuse as a child
2. perpetrator of sexual abuse
3. from a brocken home
4. lost his wife after she became a lesbian
5. lost her husband after he hung himself
6. cunt
"useless tossers"
the irony is as thick as your intellect
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