Friday, 10 October 2008

This is not a 'service', it is a sham

"For far too many patients it is no 'service' at all. It lacks compassion, is bureaucratic beyond belief and takes far too long. This is not a 'service', it is a sham."

and so say all of us


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this link NDR.

I'm just getting ready to write another post (rounding up as much info as poss) on the sham and con that is NHS complaints. So this link is very helpful.

I've also just sent off another complaint to my PCT's CEO. The anonymised version will be available online as a Google Doc (sic!) link from my blog.

I almost daren't ask how things are going with your family member. But know that I am thinking of you all...

Dr Blue said...

Complaints used to matter. Now they are a routine annoyance. The games are snag shifting and blame deflection. Managers play them well and as any fool knows all mistakes are down to bad attitudes amongst employees. Nothing to do with misdirected resources, shortages of staff on wards and millions tied up in meetings.

NHS is not a learning organisation, but it is a shit shovelling blame dumper truck when it wants to be. (e.g Otto Chan, Dr Scot Junior)