Thursday, 21 August 2008



Lots of morphine

Not seen by consultant but rather a junior doc in outpatients

Given the bad news already deduced by the family and confirmed by the GP

No fucking excuse for having let it get this bad since 2001 with no fucking treatment

Murdering cunts how dare you call yourself a caring profession

Absolute evil organisation that puts out happy positive press releases while delivering such shit care

This is not medicine, this is just boy scout pain relief and token hormone therapy when its already far far too late


Great hospital admin isnt it avoiding any surgery on many of your prostate cancer patients, and avoiding any radiotherapy, and even avoiding any interaction by a consultant for the poor sods dying from lack of care, probably helps the consultants concience that he isnt exposed to the death and mysery on his watch

What happened to care by a named consultant? nhs doesnt believe in that does it



Dr Rant said...

Too right, No-One.

GPs believe in continuity of care (as a group - I know the level of care varies).

Consultants believe in continuity of care.

The NHS management believes in feeding their families.

New Labour believes in 'presentation'. Never mind how shit things are, get them cheap and slap a lick of paint on.

The only way to keep your job as an NHS manager is to lie and cheat because that's what the politicians want.

But, as New Labour are finding out, you can cover a shit in icing and call it a frosted donut all you like, but it still tastes like shit when you eat it.

niku said...

Been away for a while. Glad to see we are still resident in a parallel continuum where people actually are told it is the managements fault. Thats the reason we are all shit.

NHS is broken. It is everyones fault who works there you all carry the same amount of responsibility. The managemnent, unions, doctors unions, cleaners, and nurses all fight their little corners to avoid the pain of change. It is all about YOU, no one else.

These discussions are worthlesss as long as we continue to exist in a place where the NHS is allowed to get away with providing some of the worst care and conditions in Urope but continue to lie to the British public about how great their part of the NHS, its everyone else actually.

Rant you are as much a reason why the service looks not unlike no ones description. The service is morally bankrupt, it kills people on a regular basis because the staff could care less about patients and care more about maintaining their position than creating a 21st century healthcare system. The whole thing is disgusting, the NHS is a joke and has become a millstone around the British neck and you Rant, constitute much of the weight.

No One said...

rant agrees with me? wow

come on then rant lets see you blog about how crap prostate cancer non care is in the nhs

lets see you rant about lack of treatment and just leaving folk to die

Anonymous said...

Good comments all.

I do believe that Dr R has put his finger on the pulse (or lack of it) though: NuLabour has employed 64% more managers since '97, productivity, however they define it, has officially DECREASED by 10%.

Ergo, employing more managers is not a successful strategy. Yet NuLab continues to do so.

What does this tell us?

NHS managers lie and cheat on a daily basis. (I will be seeing a few of them in court no doubt.) But their blatant, barefaced distortion of material, beyond reasonable doubt, court-strength evidence goes unchallenged even by the police and MPs.

(See John Riddington Young's/aka JRY 'NHS Revolution - doctors reveal the crisis engulfing the NHS' for many factual, utterly despicable and nauseating NHS managerial crimes and abuses. NB, I do mean statutory crime here).

This suggests to me that NHS managers enjoy the complete protection of gvt and, further, that they are not employed to make the NHS work for patients and make clinicians' jobs easier but to sift patients, which de facto turns these bureaucrats into a very effective, state-authorised killing machine - the 'Stasi' as JRY calls them.

I too wonder at the apparent complicity of clinical staff and, indeed, most patients. The problem seems to lie in the fact that if you're not prone to psychopathy then it is inordinately difficult to spot this destructive trait in others who are rampagingly psychopathic.

It is time now though for us all to compare notes and ensure a halt to all the killing.

No One said...

nhs managers dont turn up in court, they just put their expensive legal team up

if the managers and the medics were forced to attend court cases maybe but maybe they would be faced with the reality of their shit service and they would start to "get it"

Anonymous said...

You have a point there, no one.

The NHS spends £millions upon millions on its legal dept.

The clinical mistake rate is running, officially, at around 1 million a year.

NPSA reported 34,000 avaoidable deaths last year.

Managers, as far as I can see, are there to cover up all this devastation. As an errant doctor, I'd be very grateful.

niku said...

the doctors are far more experienced at hiding crap colleagues. doubt the managers ever hear about them. the people to ask about shit docs are nurses, they know who is good and who is a murderer.